Below is a list of the Exhibit A strategies. Select each box below to find resources specific to each strategy.
(01) Collaborative Strategic Planning
Undertake a structured process that engages diverse stakeholders to identify the best strategies for local governments to fund in order to address opioid misuse, overdose, or related issues
(02) Evidence-Based Addiction Treatment
Fund local programs that offer Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) and other evidence-based addiction treatment to people with opioid use disorder
(03) Recovery Support Services
Recovery support programs provide a range of support services to people who are in recovery from drugs, such as peer support and assistance in accessing health care
(04) Recovery Housing Support
Fund programs offering recovery housing support to people in treatment or recovery, or people who use drugs, including people receiving Medication-Assisted Treatment
(05) Employment-Related Services
Fund programs offering employment support services to people in treatment or recovery, or people who use drugs, such as job training or assistance with transportation needs
(06) Early Intervention Programs
Fund programs that help identify young people who may be struggling with drug use and provide them with the help they need
(07) Naloxone Distribution
Support programs or organizations that distribute the overdose-reveral drug naloxone (also known by its trade name, Narcan) consistent with North Carolina law
(08) Post-Overdose Response Teams
Post-overdose response teams follow-up with a person who has recently overdosed. They provide support, education, and connections to healthcare and treatment
(09) Syringe Services Programs
Syringe services programs are an evidence-based strategy to reduce overdose deaths. They also reduce transmission of bloodborne pathogens, and connect people who use drugs to treatment and care
(10) Criminal Justice Diversion Programs
Justice diversion programs provide an alternative to incarceration for people with mental health and substance use conditions who come in contact with law enforcement and the justice systems, and connect them to treatment, recovery support, or other services and supports
(11) Addiction Treatment for Incarcerated Persons
Increasing the availability of medication-assisted treatment to people in jail or prison so that they have access to evidence-based treatment for drug use
(12) Reentry Programs
Reentry programs connect people to social and health services as they are being released from incarceration, and support them as they re-enter society