How Should Counties and Cities
Spend their Settlement Funds?
The Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) offers local governments two options:
- Under Option A, a local government may fund one or more strategies from a shorter list (Exhibit A) of evidence-based, high-impact strategies to address the epidemic.
- Under Option B, a local government engages in a collaborative strategic planning process (Exhibit C) involving a diverse array of stakeholders and may then fund a strategy from the Exhibit A list or a longer list of strategies (Exhibit B) included in the national settlements.
The resources below have been compiled to assist counties and municipalities in evaluating, selecting and implementing strategies.

General Support
Explore general support resources that may help you better understand the opioid settlements and select appropriate strategies for your community.

Strategy-Specific Resources
Find resources specific to each Exhibit A strategy.

Watch opioid settlement-related webinars and download accompanying materials.

Reporting Guidelines
Learn about the types of reporting required under the NC Memorandum of Agreement.
Need help getting started?
Begin by reviewing the following resources.