This primer outlines strategies for developing, coordinating, and monitoring and evaluating jail and prison-based programs
Addressing Opioids in Your Organization
This toolkit includes sample policies, fact sheets, presentations, safety talks, posters, white papers, reports, videos and more to help implement a workplace program on opioids
Advancing Health Equity Through County Opioid Abatement Strategies
This NACo resource details steps taken by counties during the first year of the opioid settlements and future considerations for advancing health equity
American Community Survey (ACS)
The ACS helps local officials, community leaders, and businesses understand population-level changes taking place in their communities
Best Practice Guidance for Post-Overdose Outreach – Full Report
A comprehensive document that presents evidence-informed guidance to agencies that create, lead, manage, or fund post-overdose outreach programs
Best Practice Guidance for Post-Overdose Outreach – Summary
A one-page overview of best practices for agencies that create, lead, manage, or fund post-overdose outreach programs
Best Practices for Harm Reduction Workers
This 2-page list features best practices for working with clients who use drugs and best practices for harm reduction workers
Best Practices in Fair-Chance Enforcement
Key takeaways from San Francisco, Seattle, and DC’s fair-hiring laws
Breaking the Cycle: Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) in the Criminal Justice System
A blog post from SAMSHA that includes important reflections and resources about MAT in the criminal justice system
CDC Drug Overdose Deaths Data
CDC data on drug overdoses involving opioids and other drugs