Representatives of Olive Branch Ministry discuss how they are using evidence-based harm reduction strategies to address the opioid epidemic, save lives, and make a difference in the communities they serve in Allegheny, Ashe, Burke, Catawba, Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln, McDowell, and Watauga Counties (Hosted by the NC Department of Justice)
Collaborative Strategic Planning
A webinar that provides an overview of the collaborative strategic planning process with examples from Cumberland and Gaston Counties
Community Naloxone Distribution
This webinar focuses on community distribution of the lifesaving medication naloxone — a high impact strategy that can be supported with opioid settlement funds. Speakers discuss North Carolina’s statewide naloxone saturation goals, best practices in naloxone distribution, available resources, and technical assistance when setting up or expanding naloxone distribution programs.
Early Intervention
A webinar that focuses on early intervention programs with presentations from Deena Fulton, MPH, of D. Fulton Consulting, PoeCenter, and Community Impact North Carolina
Employment-Related Services
A webinar that focuses on employment-related services with presentations from representatives of Surry County and Wilkes Recovery Revolution
Evidence-Based Treatment Part I
The first of a two-part webinar that provides an introduction to medication-assisted treatment (MAT)/medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD)
Evidence-Based Treatment Part II
The second of a two-part webinar that provides an overview of the role of public health in implementing MAT/MOUD
Justice-Involved Programming
A webinar that discusses the North Carolina Formerly Incarcerated Transition (FIT) Program, jail-based MOUD, connections to care, and Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office’s strategic community opioid response
Module 1 – Risk Aversion: Facility-Based MAT
Representatives from the United States Attorneys’ Offices for each of the three North Carolina districts discuss the U.S. Department of Justice’s (USDOJ) recent guidance on protections for people with opioid use disorder under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including access to medication-assisted treatment, along with information about USDOJ settlements in other jurisdictions specific to the criminal justice and corrections context. Also, MAHEC Board Certified Addiction Medicine Specialist provides an overview of opioid use disorder and evidence-based treatment.
Module 2 – Medical Basics: Working with Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs)
In this module, the NC State Opioid Treatment Authority (NC SOTA) explains the usefulness of methadone, as well as the function of OTPs in the continuum of care for opioid use disorder. This webinar highlights experiences of an OTP medical director and will discuss both the benefits and the practical steps of partnering with a local OTP to provide this lifesaving form of treatment to incarcerated patients.