A comprehensive guide for communities including best practices for starting and sustaining CIT programs
Cultural Humility
A 30-minute documentary that explains what “cultural humility” is and why we need it
Deflection and Pre-Arrest Diversion: Applying a Harm Reduction Approach
A guide for utilizing a harm reduction approach while developing a pre-arrest diversion program
Department of Justice Guidance on Protections for People with Opioid Use Disorder
An 8-page Q&A about the protections provided to people with opioid use disorder by the Americans with Disabilities Act
Developing Culturally Responsive Resources
A resource designed to help community-based organizations serve the needs of their diverse populations
Early Childhood Action Plan
This plan shares a cohesive vision, sets benchmarks, and establishes shared accountability to achieve statewide goals for children from birth through age 8
Early Intervention, Treatment, and Management of Substance Use Disorders
This chapter of the Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health provides an overview of the evidence supporting early intervention and treatment
Effective Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder For Incarcerated Populations: A NACo Strategy Brief
A 4-page resource that covers information about effective treatments for OUD, evidence to support treatment, and best practices
Engaging Community Coalitions to Decrease Opioid Overdose Deaths
SAMHSA resource that provides tools and real-world examples for building and strengthening community coalitions that work to reduce opioid
overdose deaths
Environmental Scan of Substance Use-related Pre- and Post-Arrest Diversion Programs in North Carolina: Full Report
A comprehensive document that covers the current state of pre- and post-arrest diversion programs in North Carolina