A comprehensive document that presents evidence-informed guidance to agencies that create, lead, manage, or fund post-overdose outreach programs
Best Practice Guidance for Post-Overdose Outreach – Summary
A one-page overview of best practices for agencies that create, lead, manage, or fund post-overdose outreach programs
NC Association of County Commissioners Webinar: Post-Overdose Response Teams
A webinar that provides an overview of post-overdose response teams, establishing a post-overdose response team in your community, and a case-study of the Stanly County PORTs program
PORT Case Study: Wake County
View a North Carolina case study of post-overdose response teams
Post-Overdose Response Team (PORT) Toolkit
A how-to toolkit that describes how to design and implement a post-overdose response team in your community
Post-Overdose Response Teams Strategy Brief
A short introduction to post-overdose response teams and its evidence base from the National Association of Counties