This 2-page list features best practices for working with clients who use drugs and best practices for harm reduction workers
Collection of Harm Reduction Webinars
A collection of on-demand webinars, videos, and podcasts covering harm reduction topics
Compliance Supplement for National Opioid Settlements and NC MOA
Information about auditing procedures for the national opioid settlements in North Carolina
Criminalization and Experience of Violence: Practitioner’s Guide for Preventing Further Harm
2-pages of recommendations for providers who work with people who experience interpersonal and structural violence related to drug use and other factors
Cultural Humility
A 30-minute documentary that explains what “cultural humility” is and why we need it
Evidence-Based Strategies for Preventing Opioid Overdose: What’s Working in the United States
CDC document to assist in understanding and navigating effective strategies to prevent opioid overdose
Harm Reduction in North Carolina
A 40-minute documentary that highlights efforts to reduce harm surrounding substance use
Health Equity Guiding Principles for Inclusive Communication
CDC online resource to help public health professionals address all people inclusively and respectfully
Key Recommendations for Community-Based Overdose Prevention Programs
1-page overview of the top suggestions for successful programs from Local Health Departments
Local Health Departments
Reach out to your local health department