Training components and resources for healthcare providers to expand access to evidence-based treatment for opioid use disorder (from MAHEC)
Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: NACo Strategy Brief
A short document that includes answers to the most commonly asked questions about Medication-Assisted Treatment
More Powerful NC
An initative that provides resources, support, and facts about finding treatment in North Carolina
National Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder
Guideline intended to inform and empower individuals who are interested in implementing evidence-based treatment practices
NC Association of County Commissioners Webinar: Evidence-Based Treatment
Two-part webinar that provides an introduction to medication-assisted treatment (MAT)/medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) and the role of local public health in implementing MAT/MOUD
NC Treatment and Recovery Support Resources
Directory of treatment and recovery support coordinating organizations by county
Post X-Waiver Substance Use Disorder Training Suite
7-module continuing education (CE) self-paced training suite that provides information about the X-Waiver
Recommendations for Clinics Implementing a Low Barrier Approach to Providing MOUD
A document that includes recommendations for implementation of MOUD at community health centers and primary care clinics
SAMHSA Treatment Locator
Find a state-licensed treatment facility near you
Syringe Distribution Programs Can Improve Public Health During the Opioid Overdose Crisis
An issue brief from Pew that describes the positive impacts of syringe services programs