Report that identifies lessons learned and key considerations for engaging individuals with lived experience
National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards
Standards intended to advance health equity, improve equality, and help eliminate health care disparities
NC Association of County Commissioners Webinar: Collaborative Strategic Planning
A webinar that provides an overview of the collaborative strategic planning process with examples from Cumberland and Gaston Counties
NC Drug User Health Resources Guide
Comprehensive list of health resources by North Carolina region
North Carolina Overdose Epidemic Data
See what your county is already implementing to respond to the opioid crisis
Nothing About Us Without Us—Greater, Meaningful Involvement of People Who Use Illegal Drugs: A Public Health, Ethical, and Human Rights Imperative
A report that examines why it is important to increase meaningful involvement of people who use (or have used) drugs
Principles for the Use of Funds From the Opioid Litigation
Five guiding principles to determine the best use of funding compiled by Johns Hopkins University
Quick Guide to Conducting a Needs Assessment
This NACo resource describes the basics of conducting a needs assessment at the county-level with relevant case examples
Quick Guide to Creating a Settlement Council
This NACo resource describes the basics of establishing a settlement council to assist in planning the best use of the dollars
Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP)
A multi-year initiative providing funding to address barriers to treatment for substance use disorder