Early Intervention Programs

What is this strategy?

Fund programs, services, or training to encourage early identification and intervention for children or adolescents who may be struggling with problematic use of drugs or mental health conditions, including Youth Mental Health First Aid, peer-based programs, or similar approaches. Training programs may target parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health or human services professionals, or others in contact with children or adolescents.

Why early intervention?

Licit and illicit drug use are part of our world. Early drug use is complex and multi-faceted. These interventions empower people to understand and address the underlying issues that accelerate drug use.

Complete List of Resources

The following resources have been compiled by the NC Department of Health and Human Services to help local governments better understand this strategy.
The resources below are organized by level.

Jump to: Introductory Resources | Intermediate Resources | Advanced Resources

Introductory Resources

NC Association of County Commissioners Webinar

A webinar that focuses on early intervention programs with presentations from Deena Fulton, MPH, of D. Fulton Consulting, PoeCenter, and Community Impact North Carolina

Early Intervention, Treatment, and management of Substance Use Disorders

This chapter of the Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health provides an overview of the evidence supporting early intervention and treatment

Treatment and Services Adaptation Center

Center that promotes trauma-informed school systems that provide prevention and early intervention strategies

NC Substance Use and Behavioral Health Coalitions

View contact information for NC substance use and behavioral health coalitions by county

Intermediate Resources

Pregnancy & Substance Use – A Harm Reduction Toolkit

A toolkit for use by pregnant and parenting people who use drugs, their loved ones, and their service providers

Trauma Sensitive Schools Training Package

Offers school and district staff a roadmap for adopting a school- or districtwide approach to addressing trauma and promoting resilience

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)

The NCTSN works to raise the standard of care and improve access to services for traumatized children, their families, and communities

Advanced Resources

NC Perinatal Health Strategic Plan

Learn about the state’s 12-point plan and share how your work aligns

Early Childhood Action Plan

This plan shares a cohesive vision, sets benchmarks, and establishes shared accountability to achieve statewide goals for children from birth through age 8

Strengthening Families Program

A year 10 evaluation report of the Strengthening Families Program, an evidence-based 14-week family skills training program