This site houses data dashboards to help NC communities make plans for spending their opioid settlement funds, and to report on the programs that are supported using settlement funding.
Available Dashboards
Opioid Indicators
This opioid indicator dashboard provides some key indicators of opioid harm. These include overdose deaths and Emergency Department (ED) visits for overdose, the proportion of overdoses that involve illicit drugs, and people with prescriptions for opioids. These numbers describe some, but not all, of the impact of opioids on the people of our state.
Community Drivers of Health
Our individual choices and behaviors impact health, and our health is also affected by the physical environment and social pressures in our communities. A community’s social pressures can include poverty, unemployment, lack of health insurance, incarceration, and housing problems. These social pressures can intensify the use of drugs and their impact on health. Suicide is another health problem that, like use of drugs, is strongly influenced by social pressures. This community health indicator dashboard presents information on these six community drivers of health.
North Carolina Payment Schedule
This payment dashboard provides the schedule of estimated payments for each of the 117 North Carolina counties and cities receiving payments from the national opioid settlements. These are estimated payments and are subject to change.
Local Spending Plans
Learn more about how local governments plan to spend opioid settlement funds to address the opioid overdose epidemic in North Carolina. This local spending plans dashboard displays data from local governments that took formal action to authorize spending opioid settlement funds, as required by the Memorandum of Agreement, and reported that information to CORE-NC.
Past Spending
The past spending dashboard displays past spending from local governments who have used opioid settlement funds to address the opioid overdose epidemic in North Carolina. The data show spending on Exhibit A Strategies and Exhibit B Categories as reported to CORE-NC by local governments in their required Annual Financial Reports. View spending across all local governments or select a locality to view spending by a single local government.
NC Opioid and Substance Use Action Plan Dashboard (External)
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Opioid and Substance Use overdose action plan dashboard provides integration and visualization of state, regional, and county-level metrics for partners across North Carolina to track progress toward reaching the goals outlined in the NC Opioid and Substance Use Action Plan.
Upcoming Dashboards
The North Carolina Memorandum of Agreement offers a high level of transparency and accountability for the use of opioid settlement funds. This opioid settlement resource hub will include additional dashboards which provide a local view of opioid settlement activities and show the positive impact these investments are having (annual impact reports).